What Is Servant Leadership And How Can It Benefit Your Organization?

What Is Servant Leadership And How Can It Benefit Your Organization?
Summary: What is servant leadership, and what benefits can it bring to your organization? Read on to discover how this approach can transform your company culture.

Servant Leadership: Why Should Your Organization Adopt It?

Servant leadership is based on the idea that a leader must be a servant first and put their own interests second. This is not to say that they forego a healthy work-life balance but that they commit to serving their clients, employees, and the company rather than striving for power or control. This more altruistic approach to leadership was first introduced by Robert K. Greenleaf in 1970. Specifically, servant leaders support their employees and encourage them to develop their skills and talents, including them in company matters and asking them for their honest opinions. Below, you will read more about servant leadership's benefits and ways you can start adopting it in your own organization.

Benefits Of Servant Leadership

Team Strength

Teams feel inspired by their leaders, but only if the leaders are inspiring themselves. Someone who is willing to serve their team and do everything in their power to support their members is creating a sense of mutual respect. Team members collaborate more effectively with each other and support their peers, in turn, as they're learning from the leading example. This increases productivity, resulting in more satisfied employees who now have a shared purpose.

Pleasant Work Environment

Employees who work in an environment where they feel valued and supported tend to be more confident. They don't need to worry about competing with others or getting burnt out because they don't feel as if they need to prove themselves. This level of confidence also allows them to speak up and express their opinions freely. They know that their problems are heard, so they view their working environment as a positive place where they can thrive and continue to grow their talents.

Professional Goals Become Personal

A servant leader who encourages their people to grow personally and professionally creates a solid foundation for them to pursue their goals. Their personal goals align with the professional ones since they perceive the company's success as their own. They also know that their growth and success are contributing to the organization's prosperity. It's important for a leader to highlight that their goals should intertwine so that employees feel more committed to a common cause.

Stronger Company Culture

This form of leadership creates a people-centered culture where everyone is appreciated and involved in company issues. The importance of teamwork is also part of that culture since everyone is collaborating to achieve the organizational goals. A strong company culture is helpful during times of crisis, too. Employees know that you value their ideas and that they can feel safe in times of uncertainty.

Employee Responsibility

Since everyone in the team is working together, employees learn leadership lessons from their managers and department heads that are crucial for their job performance. Everyone accepts responsibility for their actions and knows when to hold themselves accountable for their mistakes. This creates a solid ground for productivity and more efficient work. Knowing that the leader supports them and gives them meaningful feedback makes it easier for them to acknowledge when they've made an incorrect decision or need to work on certain performance behaviors. Thus, servant leadership generates more servant leaders since the employees are trained in that nurturing environment.

Lower Employee Turnover

As they are working in an environment where they can express their opinions and be creative, employees feel more motivated. The leader encourages innovation and new ideas, and that inspires the employees to aim high when it comes to goal setting. They will also be more invested in developing their skills and talents, which leads to higher retention rates. Servant leaders empower their employees and focus on their growth and happiness. This prompts people to stay longer in a company and work harder to achieve its objectives.

What Are The Traits Of A Servant Leader?

What characteristics do you need to be able to lead the way with a servant mindset? One of the essential traits is being an active listener, as this gives you the ability to better understand employees' needs and concerns. Empathy is also a must-have in order to truly comprehend what your employees are thinking and feeling so that you can become a more effective servant leader. Additionally, a high level of emotional intelligence helps recognize and be able to handle others' behaviors and actions. Above all else, authenticity is key. Leaders must genuinely care about others and believe in them to bring out their full potential.


Servant leadership is a supportive way of leading your people and creating a collaborative company culture. It prompts your employees to work towards the company's success since they have the chance to combine their personal and professional goals in a non-invasive way. If you're looking for a solution to help your managers hone their talents and lead with a servant's heart, our Top Content Providers For Leadership Development list features the best content development companies.